A downloadable game

MIMEX is a complete Micro Market Stock Exchange for ZX Spectrum computers based on BOVESPA/B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão) of São Paulo, founded on August, 23, 1890.

For more information about B3, follow this link


MIMEX is a game inspired by the Magnavox Odyssey 2  Strategy Series:

The Great Wall Street Treasure Hunt 

  • Players: 1 to 4 ;
  • Game length: 1 - 5 years 


Mimex is not a commercial product and a game with educational purposes only. The author is not responsible for losses of any kind, caused by the use of this software or operating stocks with real money. The initial specifications of this software may be subject to change without prior notice.  All trademarks and rights are properties of their respective owners.

Basic Game

  • Buy and Sell Stocks;
  • Buy and Sell Treasure Bills;
  • Buying on Margin;
  • IR (Investor Relations Events) - 1:2 splits, 4:1 grouping, dividends, judicial recoveries and bankruptcies;
  • Market Engine, written from scratch;
  • Benchmark Market Index (iMimex);
  • Tickers (some real brazilian B3 stocks) - 10 companies;
  • News headlines;
  • Play against the Game (iMimex index);
  • Quotron Terminals;

Advanced Game (Coming Soon)

  • Buy and Sell PUT or CALL Options (Derivatives);
  • Product Manual (PDF and Printed)
  • Strategy Guide (PDF and Printed)
  • Any demand for a Physical Edition?


Mimex is available for the following computer systems and languages: 


  • English


  • ZX Spectrum Next
  • ZX Spectrum 128 (+2, +3)
  • ZX Spectrum 48k


ZX Spectrum Next

  • Download the NEX file
  • Copy the file to  /games/Next directory in the Next Distribution SD card;
  • Browse and execute it.

ZX Spectrum Classic (48k, 128, +2 and +3)

  • Real Machine: you'll need to transfer the .TAP file to a physical tape or load the TAP file using ESXDOS.
  • Emulator: download and start the TAP file provided.


The game simulates a stock exchange during the selected number of years. Players should buy and sell assets and compete against others. 

The Introduction Screen

In the introduction menu you'll need to select the number of players (1-4), the game length (1-5 years) and the game level (basic or advanced).

In the solitaire mode, you'll play against the game, represented by the market index iMimex. You can also play against the other human players and iMimex. The only exception is the 4-player game in which you compete against human players only.

QSelect previous option
ASelect next option
ENTERConfirm selection

In-game keys

1 - 4Select Player Portfolio
QSelect Previous Player Account in Portfolio
ASelect Next Player Account in Portfolio
BBuy Assets
SSell Assets
ENTERConfirm selection and buy/sell operations
DELETEClear previous selection or entries typed

Player Portfolios

Each player has his/her own portfolio. In the beggining of the game you should decide with other players who will be the player 1, player 2 and so on. During the game session you'll choose a player number and type it in the computer keyboard to select your portfolio.

Portfolio Accounts

Each player portfolio has 8 (eight) accounts. The first account is your current savings account, holding your initial money. Each player starts with $ 100,000. After the player portfolio is selected, press Q and A keys to select an empty account. 

Buying and Selling Assets

Before buying an asset, you need to select your player portfolio (1-4) and account (Q-A). After that, press the B (Buy key) in computer keyboard to buy an asset.

After that, you'll need to select the type of asset you will buy. In basic mode you can only buy Stocks and Bonds. In the Advanced mode you will also buy derivatives, such as PUT or CALL options.

Buying Bonds

When selecting the Bond asset, you'll need to fill the quantity you want to purchase. Each bond costs 1.00 and you should fill the quantity (in hundreds). If you want 100 bonds, please type 01 and RETURN to confirm. If you need to rollback and correct any error, use the DELETE key.  

Buying Stocks

After selecting the Stock type, you'll need to type the ticker of the asset you want to buy. Just type it (for example, BBAS). Then you'll need to fill the quantity (in hundreds) . For example, if you want to buy 500 stocks, fill 05 and press RETURN to confirm. Any error may be corrected pressing the DELETE key and retyping the quantity.

Completing Orders

After filling any order, you will check the transaction value and your balance showing how will be your money account if the transaction is accepted. The balance is important to ensure you have funds to pay for your order, avoiding operating on margin. If you enter on margin, will be charged 1% per day over the negative balance.

Every time you rebuy the same asset, your average cost @ will be recalculated accordingly.

You'll receive a prompt asking if you confirm the transaction. Press Y to confirm and N to rollback the changes.

Selling Assets

To sell an existing asset, choose your portfolio (1-4), then the account of the asset you want to sell (Q-A) and press S (Sell). You'll be prompted about the quantity you want to sell. After checking your transaction and balance values, press Y to confirm your transaction. When selling an asset, your money savings account will reflect the new balance.

Tracking game progress, News and Investor Relation Events

In the top of the screen there is the status of the game, with the calendar showing the current year, quarter, month, week and day. There's also the prime tax rate and the iMimex index, representing the market benchmark.

The green banner shows the stock quotation for each company.

The blue banner brings the news periodically. It's important to pay attention to them because they are related to Prime Tax Rate, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and Politics. The companies have a different sensibility to each kind of news headline. 

The cyan banner shows the system messages and IR (Investor Relation) events. They will bring useful information, such as splits, grouping events, bankrupticies and alerts when any player is operating on margin.

Tracking individual investments

You can track an investment taking a look at the ticker tape on the screen (the green banner) or selecting your portfolio (1-4), your account (Q-A) and taking a look at the M indicador. The M indicator shows the current market price of your asset.

Going Bankrupt

If a company you're investing goes bankrupt, your investment will be lost. If your savings account reach a negative balance of $ (500,000), you're bankrupt and out of the game.

Tracking the score of players (Quotron Terminals)

You can track your portfolio and the others using the Quotrons. The Quotron is a colored terminal which shows the player position.  Note that there are numbers showing above each Quotron. This is the performance meter: the blinking 1 will be the best performer, 2 the second and so on. When you're playing solitaire or less than four players, there'll be a white Quotron showing the Mimex Market index (iMimex) position on the rightmost area of screen. 

Quotron Screen

Quotron Screen - Museum of American Finance, NYC

Quotron Terminal

Quotron Terminal - Museum of American Finance, NYC

Quotron representation in-game:



mimex-beta.tap 34 kB
mimex-beta.nex 48 kB

Development log

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